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Festival IN-Somni Barcelona              Tweet this All Barcelona events
Event date:  Thursday 15th February 2013 to Saturday 16th February 2012
Event location:
> La Fàbrica Estrella Damm, Sala Bikini and Razzmatazz 2 Barcelona

7th edition of Festival IN-SOMNI Barcelona which is a festival of Independent music of Catalonia promoting new local and international bands. Confirmed artists for 2013 are Los Punsetes, Tweak Bird, Arizona Baby, Stay, Extraperlo and Partido among others. The 2013 edition kicks off with a free concert at the La Fàbrica Estrella Damm on Thursday 14th February 2013 at 20:30 starring Joa Dausà i Els Tipus d'Interès, Coriolà and Rosa Luxemburg
Visit the website for programme and tickets information.

Artist line-up
Fàbrica Estrella Damm 15/2: Joa Dausà i Els Tipus d'Interès, Coriolà and Rosa Luxemburg
Sala Bikini 15/2 : Partido, Stay and Arizona Baby
Razzmatazz 2: 16/2: Tweak Bird, Extraperlo and Los Punsetes

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Event address & map

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Various locations in Barcelona

This event takes place at various locations in Barcelona.

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Barcelona Event 

Barcelona Events:
Festival IN-Somni 2013 Barcelona
14.02.2013 - 16.02.2013
Barcelona Festivals

Friday, 20 September 2024