Barcelona Events 2024

Reyes Magos 2025 - el Día de Reyes   

Public Holiday Spain   

Epiphany - Día de la Epifanía del Señor - Reyes - Reis - Three Kings Day

Event date:
Monday 6th January 2025

Event location:
Barcelona and Spain

Reyes Magos. ¡Felices Reyes! Día de los Reyes Magos - Kings' Day is a public holiday in Barcelona and Spain on 6th January every year. The 6th is the biggest Christmas gift giving day in Spain and the day when children open their Christmas presents.

Three Kings' Day, also known as Epiphany or the Feast of the Epiphany, is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on January 6th each year.

The day commemorates the visit of the Magi or Wise Men — Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar — to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.

According to Christian tradition, the Magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor the newborn Christ. In many cultures, Three Kings' Day is a significant part of the Christmas season and is observed with various customs and traditions. In some countries, it is a public holiday, and festivities may include parades, processions, and special church services. 

On Día de los Reyes Magos Spanish and Catalan families enjoy a sweetbread Kings cake called 'Tortell de Reis' in Catalan language - 'Roscón de Reyes' in the Spanish language. The cake's name the 'Kings' ring.'

Roscón bakers hide a tiny toy or trinket and a fava bean inside the roscón cake. The person who finds the toy is King or Queen of the feast. The person who gets the fava bean has to buy the Tortell de Reis cake next year.

Most shops are closed on the 6th January, but some stores might be open to start the January sales early.

Generally the January sales - rebajas - start on 7th January on the day after Reyes.

Are shops open? 

Most stores are closed on Día de los Reyes Magos public holiday. Tourist attractions and museums operate normally.

Christmas pages:

Christmas Guide Barcelona
Calendar public holidays
Guide New Year Barcelona
Wikipedia Spanish Constitution
Christmas Barcelona - What to do
Public holidays calendar

Related pages:

Public holidays Barcelona/Spain
Kings parade Barcelona
Guide Christmas Barcelona

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Barcelona Event 

Barcelona Events:
Día de los Reyes Magos 2025 - Kings' Day - Public Holiday Spain
Public holidays 2024

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