Fira de Cornellà

Carrer de Tirso de Molina, 34
Postal Code:
Cornellà de Llobregat
Country: es

How to get to this venue

How to get to Fira de Cornellà exhibition centre

Exhibition centre and auditorium in Cornellà de Llobregat located Barcelona about 20 minutes by car or public transport from centre of Barcelona.

Carrer Tirso de Molina, 34,
08940 Cornellà de Llobregat, Barcelona

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View FULLSCREEN MAP Fira de Cornellà

Hotels near Fira de Cornella 

Novatel Barcelona Cornella 4 star
Hotel Campanile 3 star

How to get to Fira de Cornella from Barcelona

By Metro

Nearest station: Cornellà Centre - Line L5
Nearest station: Gavarra - Line L5

By FGC train
Nearest station: Almeda‎ on LLobregat - Anoia Line.
Train lines L8, S33, S8, R5, R6, S4

By Tram
Tram stop: Cornellà Centre

By Bus
Bus 67 - Barcelona (Plaza Catalunya) – Cornellà de Llobregat bus station
Bus 68 - Barcelona (Plaza Catalunya) – Cornellà de Llobregat bus station

By Night bus
Night bus number N13 Barcelona (Pl. Catalunya) – Sant Boi de Ll. (Ciutat Cooperativa)

Event Date Barcelona Events Event address & map Type
Currently no events are available

Friday, 20 September 2024