What is most famous in Barcelona?

What is most famous in Barcelona?

The most famous attraction in Barcelona is the Sagrada Famlia church. The Sagrada Famlia church is the most famous building in Barcelona because of its amazing design both outside and inside - and also because it is still being built even though construction started in 1882.

It was designed by Antoni Gaudi. Find more information below and more information about Top 10 Barcelona attractions

What is most famous in Barcelona. Sagrada Famlia church

Pictures Sagrada Familia
How much is Sagrada Familia ticket?
How to get to Sagrada Familia
Biography Antoni Gaudi
TICKETS Sagrada Familia
TICKETS Gaudi & Sagrada Família Tour
Video how Sagrada Familia will look when finished

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:42

Thursday, 19 September 2024