How to convert C to F. Quick way to convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit

How to convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit

Quick way to convert C to F.  A way to convert quickly and within 1 degree of accuracy C to F

 Double the Centigrade temperature

 Subtract the first number of the result from the result

 Add 32

Using this method you should not be more than 1 degree Fahrenheit away from exact result.


Example - convert 29C to F

Double the Centigrade temperature =

2 x 29 = 58

Subtract the first number of the result from the result =

The first number of 58 is 5, so subtract 5 from 58 = 53

Add 32 

53 + 32 = 85

Your quick result is 85F

The exact result is 84.2 F so you are within 1 degree F.

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