What is DANA weather in Spain? What does DANA mean?

What is DANA weather in Spain

Updated June 2024

DANA is a Spanish acronym for Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos. It translates to"Isolated Depression at High Altitudes". A DANA is a type of weather phenomenon in which a "pocket" of cold air in the upper atmosphere separates from the main stream and sweeps over a warmer air mass. This process can result in severe weather, including heavy rains, and flooding. In recent years there has been an increase in heavy and torrential rains on the Mediterranean side of the Iberian peninsula. During a DANA alert, stay indoors is possible and if you are driving, be aware of flooding and strong water currents, especially in hilly and mountainous areas where mudslides area risk.

"La gota fría" is another Spanish expression often heard in connection with the DANA weather system. "La gota fría" literally means "the cold drop". This term refers to the same phenomenon as a DANA when a "pocket" or "drop" of cold air forms in the upper atmosphere and separates from the main stream. "La gota fría" is a well-known expression in Spain, especially in the coastal regions where this phenomenon is common and can cause severe storms.

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Thursday, 19 September 2024