IVA - VAT tax rates in Spain

VAT IVA rates in Spain 2012 

Spanish VAT IVA tax rise on 1st September 2012

In July 2012 the government of President Mariano Rajoy (PP party) and his Treasury Minister Cristobal Montoro announced that the Spanish consumer tax called IVA (Impuesto al Valor Agregado) which is similar to the UK VAT (value added tax) would increase from September 2012 as follows:

IVA general:
Goes up from 18% to 21%.

IVA reducido IVA  (reduced VAT) :
Goes up from 8% to 10%.
Applies to many food products like meat, fish and water, medical supplies, travel, hotel and housing.

IVA superreducido IVA (super reduced VAT):
Stays at 4%.
Applies to basic products (productos de primera necesidad) like bread and other basic foods, books, newspapers, and medicines etc

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