El Grito - Barcelona Fiesta Mexicana - Fiesta Patrias

Barcelona Fiesta Mexicana 2024

Festival Barcelona Vive México 2024. Feria del Grito

Event dates: 
14 & 15th September 2024

Event venue:
Poble Espanyol Spanish village on Montjuic hill 

Barcelona Fiesta Mexicana. 'Barcelona Vive México' festival at Poble Espanyol Spanish Village on Montjuic hill with many concerts and events to mark the Mexican 'mes patria.' Lovely event if you enjoy Mexican culture and people and who doesn't? Enjoy live mariachi music, tequila, tacos and other Mexican delicacies, Lucha libre wrestling, Mexican dance and more.  See full program. The highlight of the festival is the Ceremonia Oficial del Grito de Independencia' - El Grito de Dolores (the cry for independence) Mexican independence ceremony organised by the Mexican Consulate in Barcelona on Sunday 15th September at 8pm at Poble Espanyol. The Grito de Dolores was the battle cry of the Mexican War of Independence uttered by Father Miguel Hidalgo on September 16th, 1810 as the call for revolution against the authorities of México.

On this day Mexicans all over the world celebrate México’s independence from Spanish rule. September 16th (Dieciséis de septiembre) is the actual Mexican Independence Day, the most important non-religious holiday in Mexico. 

Program Saturday Sep 14 2024
11:00 in the morning until midnight. Full program of family activities, workshops and games for children. Lucha Libre wrestling featuring 10 wrestlers from Mexico, Italy, France and Spain in the afternoon. Evening concert "Oaxaca de mis Amores" by Mexican singer Geo Meneses accompanied by Celso Duarte.

Program Sunday 15th September 2024
Opening 11:00 am to 10pm. Mariachi concerts, folk dance shows, and family activities. El Grito, The Cry of Mexican Independence, at 7:00 p.m by the Mexican Consul, ​​Claudia Pavlovich followed by music and a fiesta to close one of Europe's largest Mexican festivals.

¡Que viva México!

Barcelona Events Calendar

Organised by Asociación Cultural Mexicano Catalana (MEXCAT)

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Last Updated on Monday, 16 September 2024 15:54

Thursday, 19 September 2024