BAM music festival Barcelona

Barcelona Acció Musical - BAM18

The Mercè 2018 BAM music festival (Barcelona Acción Musica) 26th edition of BAM festival which is an annual indie music festival which takes place during the annual Mercè Festival in Barcelona. One of the highlights of BAM music festival are concerts at the Antiga fàbrica d'Estrella Damm in the Eixample area of Barcelona on Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th September 2018. Visit the BAM website for BAM18 programme of BAM festival concerts and artist line-up. All BAM festival concerts are outdoor and free.

BAM venues 2018

Plaça dels Àngels - Raval area MACBA museum Map link
Plaça de Joan Coromines - Raval area in CCCB cultural centre Map link
Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm - Eixample area Map link
Sala Apolo - night club in Poble Sec area - Map link
Rambla de Raval - in Raval area - Map link

Website BAM18
Twitter BAM Festival
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Last Updated on Thursday, 06 September 2018 12:28

Friday, 20 September 2024