Barcelona trade show centres

Fira Barcelona trade show areas

Barcelona's main and biggest trade show company is called Fira Barcelona. The have two main areas called Fira Montjuic and Fira Gran Via. Fira Montjuic is the oldest. It has been in operation for almost 100 years. Fira Montjuic is also the most central with a location near Plaza Espanya.

Fira Gran Via is the second and newest area of the Fira de Barcelona exhibition centres. It is
located around 2.5 km from Fira Montjuic and Plaza Espanya  on the way to Barcelona airport from the city centre. Both venues have conference centre, modern facilities, plenty of parking, top hotels close by, good public transport connections and have become a popular choice for many international events in Barcelona.

Read more about Fira de Barcelona on the links below:

How to get to Fira Montjuic trade show area Barcelona
Best hotels near Fira Montjuic trade show area

How to get to Fira Gran Via trade show centre
Hotels near Fira Gran Via trade show area Barcelona

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Last Updated on Friday, 30 January 2015 13:08

Friday, 20 September 2024