Barcelona Events 2024

Festa Major de Sant Antoni 2024

2024 local festival Sant Antoni area Barcelona

Event date: 
Fri 12 to Sun 21 January 2024

Event location:
Sant Antoni neighbourhood, Eixample district 


Festa Major de Sant Antoni 2024. The Sant Antoni festival is the first local neighbourhood festival of the year in Barcelona and takes place in the Sant Antoni area of the Eixample district of Barcelona. This essentially is a neighbourhood festival but tourists are welcome to come and enjoy the parades and activities. See full 2024 Festa Major Sant Antoni program. The Sant Antoni Festa Major programme has many popular Catalan traditions including parades, sardanes dancing, castellers human tower building, correfoc fireruns, a beer festival called 'Fira de cervesa artesana del barri de Sant Antoni' and a popular Reggae Splash festival among other events

Some 2024 highlights

Sat 14 Jan
11.30 am parade "Cercavila d’inici i benvinguda a la Festa Major" - starts and ends at Jardinets de l'Alguer

Sat 13 Jan
9 pm. Festival Reggae Splash 

Sun 21 Jan:
Morning 10k run Cursa Sant Antoni

Sat 20 Jan 
11 to 12 am. Tres Tombs Parade & pet blessing at Escola Pia Sant Antoni.

Sunday 21 Jan 
8.15 pm Correfoc Infernal firerun from Jardinets de l'Alguer

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Event address & map

Location in description

Location of the above event in Barcelona is in the event description above. Visit Barcelona events calendar to see all top Barcelona events. Visit for visitor information.

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Barcelona Event 

Barcelona Events:
Festa Major de Sant Antoni 2024
12.01.2024 - 21.01.2024
Barcelona Festivals

Friday, 20 September 2024