Do people in Barcelona really hate tourists?

Do people in Barcelona really hate tourists?

No, of course not.

Are tourists welcome in Barcelona. Yes!

People in Barcelona do not hate tourists and tourists are welcomed in Barcelona. Now more than ever after the massive drop in tourists due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tourist have been visiting Barcelona for centuries. Hans Christian Andersen visited in 1876 and stayed on a hotel on La Rambla. He was welcomed and so are all tourists, so do not hesitate to visit Barcelona. People in Barcelona take vacations too and so they are also tourists. People in Barcelona are very nice and they are used to tourists and the city welcomes tourists because we are very lucky to have the tourist industry as a source of income for the city which helps pay for many public services etc.

Of course the sharp increase in tourism combined with the explosion of tourist services on the internet thanks to the smartphones has brought some changes, which some people do not like. These developments are a natural part of progress and change and evolution, but some people want everything to stay the same.

This is not possible but of course there must be an effort from the city council, the tourist companies and the tourists and residents to reach agreement on how tourism should be managed so everyone is as happy as possible. 

How to be a good tourist

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Last Updated on Monday, 26 October 2020 13:13

Friday, 20 September 2024