Pictures Christmas Barcelona


Pictures photo gallery Christmas Barcelona

Christmas Barcelona. Barcelona is lovely to visit at Christmas. Read our Barcelona Christmas guide. There are many Christmas markets and plenty of Christmas shopping.

In the Spanish Catalan language "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year" is “Bon Nadal i Feliç Any Nou” and in the Spanish Castellano language we say, “Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo

Barcelona's biggest Christmas market is Fira de Santa Llucia




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Day tour from Barcelona to France and Andorra


Barcelona Christmas

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Christmas guide Barcelona


Christmas festival at Poble Espanyol Spanish village.

Christmas food shopping at La Boqueria food market on Las Ramblas street 


Christmas lights on Barcelona gothic square Plaza Reial

Christmas lights Plaça Reial Barcelona


'Carassa de Nadal' the Christmas face visits the Fira de Santa Llucia market on the Christmas festival day called Diada de les tradicions nadalencs. Sweets pour out of the mouth to the delight of children

Carassa de Nadal 
Christmas lights on La Rambla street in Barcelona
Christmas Barcelona La Rambla 

Pessebre Christmas nativity scene 2016 Plaça Sant Jaume. This changes very Christmas

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Christmas Barcelona 2016

Pessebre Christmas nativity scene from 2013 Plaça Sant Jaume

barcelona navidad pessebre plaza sant jaume

Christmas lights on Palau de la Generalitat


Christmas lights on La Rambla street 

 Christmas La Rambla 2009

Sculpture of Goddess Deessa by Josep Clarà on Plaça Catalunya 

Sculpture of Goddess Deessa

Carrer de Ferran street in Barcelona's gothic area

Christmas Barcelona

Advent calendar projection 2009 Plaça Sant Jaume

Christmas Barcelona

Barcelona Pessebre 2011 Plaça Sant Jaume. Pessebre de Nadal (Christmas stable) is the crib scene or nativity scene


Barcelona Pessebre on Plaça Sant Jaume 2009

Pessebre 2009

2009 Pessebre Rey Baltazar, Nubian King and ruler of Ethiopia bringing gold as a gift to infant Jesus.

Christmas Barcelona

Reis Mags on Plaça Sant Jaume Christmas 2011

Pessebre Sant Jaume 2011

At the Barcelona Christmas markets you can buy a fantastic variety of pessebre figures


You can see a small but delightful pessebre exhibition at Iglesia de Belén on La Rambla 

Pessebre Iglesia Belen

Barcelona Cathedral pessebre

Angel in Barcelona cathedral pessebre

Typical Catalan pessebre set up in lobby of apartment building.


Caga Tió log dolls - the Christmas log who 'poos' presents when  children beat him and sing the Caga tió song! Read about Caga Tio Christmas log

Tió de Nadal - Caga Tio

El Tió Gegant 'pooing log' at the Fira de Santa Llúcia


Tió de Nadal cake from La Colmena patisserie & bonboneria on shopping street Plaça de l'Angel 12
Tio Nadal cake
El Caganer - the 'Christmas Crapper'

Many new celebrity Caganer figures go on sale every year in Barcelona.
Trump Caganer Barcelona

There's even a multi-layer poo from the caganer of the castellers human tower groups.
Caganer of Castellers

Caganer at previous years outdoor pessebre on Pl Sant Jaume in Barcelona


caganer artur mas

Three Kings Christmas parade La Cabalgata de Reyes Magos

Christmas in Barcelona

Christmas in Barcelona

Christmas in Barcelona

Christmas in Barcelona

Christmas in Barcelona - Three Kings parade


Barcelona's best Christmas markets
More Barcelona pictures
Things to do Barcelona Christmas

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Last Updated on Thursday, 05 December 2024 14:29