Pictures Santa Maria del Mar church

Pictures Santa María del Mar church in Barcelona

The Santa Maria del Mar church - La Basílica de Santa María del Mar - is in the El Born neighbourhood of Barcelona. Address Santa Maria del Mar This magnificent gothic church is widely regarded as the most important and beautiful example of Catalan gothic churches. The church used to be much closer to the sea because the Born neighbourhood was closer to the sea front of Barcelona in medieval times. 

La Basílica de Santa María del Mar

The earliest mention of a church of Santa Maria by the sea dates back to the year 998. The Santa Maria del Mar church was built from 1329 to 1383. It is still used for services and concerts and recently was the theme of a very popular novel called Cathedral of the Sea by Spanish/Catalan author Ildefonso Falcones.

Aerial view of La Basílica de Santa María del Mar in modern times. 

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona


Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Rose window at the west end of the Santa Maria del Mar church. 


Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Depiction of a stone mason carrying stones on doors of the church. The stone for the Basila came from quarries on Montjuic hill in Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar has three aisles that form a single space full of light

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

Santa Maria del Mar Barcelona

More pictures of Barcelona attractions

Last Updated on Sunday, 09 September 2018 15:02
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