Barcelona carnival shops

Barcelona carnival shops

Barcelona Carnival Week. The Barcelona Carnival week is in February. See our Barcelona Carnaval guide.

It is celebrated with many big and small events all over the city. For the children you can buy fancy dress outfits and costumes in most hipermarkets and in the many chinese shops all over Barcelona.

For adults there are some specialised shops that rent out fantastic carnaval costumes and outfits. Find them all here:

Shops Barcelona carnival costumes

For tourists we can recommend the parades in the medieval area of Barcelona. To get updates on the Barcelona carnaval visit the Barcelona carnaval website or search on Twitter using the hashtag #carnavalbcn.

To see extravagant and colourful carnaval parades, we can also recommend a visit to Sitges, which is a popular resort town just south of Barcelona,  where the Sitges carnival is celebrated on the same days as Barcelona.

The Sitges carnaval is famous for its flamboyant parades, both thanks to a fantastic effort by the locals and also to the vibrant and enthusiatic gay community in Sitges. 

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 January 2019 00:05

Wednesday, 12 March 2025