Biography Saint Roch - Sant Roc

Biography Saint Roch - San Roc

Saint Roch (c. 1348 to 1376/79), was a Majorcan Catholic confessor whose death is commemorated on 16 August and 9 September in Italy. Saint Roch was especially invoked against the plague. In addition to being the patron saint of dogs, Roch is the patron saint of invalids, falsely accused people, and bachelors, as well as the Italian cities of Dolo, Parma, Palagiano, and Cisterna di Latina, the neighbourhood of Sant Roc - Pl. Nova in Barcelona, and several other things. He is also the patron saint of the town of Albanchez, in Almeria, southern Spain, and Deba, in the Basque Country. Saint Roch is known as "São Roque" in Portuguese, "Sant Roc" in Catalan, "San Roque" in Spanish and as "San Rocco" in Italian. In Barcelona he is celebrated at the Sant Roc Festival in mid-August.

Rocco is considered unique because of his pose with his left hand pointing to an open sore on his leg. Few images of saints expose any afflictions or handicaps. Saint Roch is buried in Venice, Italy in a glass tomb in the San Rocco church.

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