Barcelona Bike rules and guidelines 2025

Barcelona bike rules 2025

New rules for bikes and personal mobility vehicles (PMVs) come into effect in Barcelona from Saturday, February 1 2025.

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Barcelona Bike regulations

Helmets and lights

Helmets are obligatory for all PMVs, which notably include electric scooters, as well as other electric vehicles such as unicycles.

Front and rear lights are now mandatory on those vehicles. Only one person is authorized to use them.

Fines: Infractions cost a €100 fine. Minors under 16 who ride a PMV will be fined €200.


The maximum speed allowed for PMVs  goes down from 30 km/h to a new limit of 25 km/h on streets and bike lanes. If the use of sidewalks is required, the speed limit drops to 10 km/h.

Fines: Riding on a 50 km/h road is prohibited and carries a €500 fine.

Sidewalk / Pavements

Bikes and PMVs will be fined €500 fine for riding on the sidewalk. Only exceptions to this rule will include children under 12 years old and their accompanying adults as well as adults transporting children in child seats or a trailer.

Motorcycle parking restrictions

The new rules from February 1st 2025 limit motorcycle parking on sidewalks/pavements near schools, hospitals, bike racks, pedestrian crossings, and bike lanes. PMVs are however now permitted to use spaces designated for loading and unloading when needed.

Fines: Violations, such as tying vehicles to trees, traffic lights, benches, or in any way that obstructs pedestrian flow, will result €500 fine.

General tips to Move Safely

Choose the safest route
When it comes to planning your route, choose the one most suitable for bicycles: one with cycle lanes, roads with little traffic. If your route is too long or compels you to use streets with lots of traffic, try combining the bicycle with public transport.

When riding in the bicycle lane
If the cycle lane is on the pavement, you must always give way to pedestrians crossing it. Remember you cannot go faster than 20 km/h. When the cycle lane is on the road, you will enjoy the priorities laid down in the applicable traffic regulations.

When riding on the road
Ride carefully and respect traffic rules. Whenever you can, use the lane on the right, nearest to the pavement. If this is reserved for buses and taxes, ride in the next one. You can occupy the middle of It.

Before making a manoeuvre
Make overtaking manoeuvres or change direction gradually and safely, Indicating in advance and making sure you have been seen.

Respect pedestrians
Whenever cycling In areas reserved for pedestrians, give way to them at all times and adapt your speed to their numbers, without exceeding 10 km/h.

Get insurance
Take out civil liability Insurance and ensure your peace of mind. Find out about it from bicycle user organisations, the Catalan Cycling Federation, or the Guild of Bicycle Dealers of Catalonia.

Wear a helmet
Wear your helmet. It is not compulsory in the city, but It is strongly recommended for your safety. The use of reflective Items, which will make you more visible, Is also recommended.

Be seen and heard at night
When riding at night, the use of front and rear lights is compulsory. You must always have a bell to warn of your presence whenever necessary.

Keep your bicycle in good condition
Before going out, check your bicycle's tyres, brakes and lights. Have periodic services at any specialised shop.

Network with other cyclists
In order to keep up to date and promote this form of transport, get your complaints and proposals to the associations and participate in them.

Taking your bicycle on public transport

Bicycles on the Barcelona metro
The transport of bicycles in the Barcelona Metro is allowed at the following times: (except bicing bikes)

Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (all day)
Working days (July and August): all day
Working days (rest of the year): from 5 to 7am, from 9.30am to 5pm and
from 8.30pm until the end of service
Bicycles are not allowed on the bus.
Metro website TMB

RENFE - Spanish regional trains
Free transport of bicycles is allowed on following lines: (except bicing bikes)

C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-7
L'Hospitalet-Mataró / Maçanet and w.
St. Vicenç / Vllanova-Maçanet and w.
L'Hospltalet-VIc and vv.
St. Vicenç / Vllafranca-Manresa and w.
Martorell-Cerdanyola University / L'Hospitalet and w.
C-10: Barcelona Airport / Franca Station
Times: Monday to Friday: from 10am to 3pm
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: all day
Renfe railways website

Passengers can take bicycles free on all trains all year round. (except bicing bikes)
FGC trains website

All year round, in the spaces reserved for the purpose, provided there is not an excessive volume of passengers. If this is the case, the company's staff will notify you quickly.
Trams website 

Bicing city bike system
Remember that you cannot take any Bicing bicycle on any kind of public transport.

Bike Parking
In Barcelona, you have various specially adapted places available where you can park your bicycle.

Bicycle parking places public roads
There are 15,000 parking spaces on public roads.

Underground parking places bicycles
There are 46 B:SM underground car parks with capacity for 969 bicycles; each parking space can usually be rented for 11.78 euros plus VAT a month. The SABA company has 8 car parks with capacity for 124 bicycles and the monthly cost of a bicycle space is 24.01 euros (VAT included).

Not allowed:

■ Tying bikes to trees, traffic lights, rubbish bins or benches.
■ Leaving them in front of areas reserved for loading and unloading or In front of parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities.
■ Parking them In emergency exits or busy public places, at public transport stops and on pedestrian crossings


Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 February 2025 16:52