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Parking near Parc Forum Barcelona

Plaça d'Ernest Lluch i Martin, Barcelona, 08019
City District
Sant Marti: Diagonal Mar
Parking near Parc Forum Barcelona
Aparcamiento Plaça del Fòrum. Parking near Park Forum and Parc del Forum Barcelona. There are several parking places near Parc del Forum and Port Forum in the Diagonal Mar area of Barcelona.

Parking near Park Forum
4000 parking places in Diagonal Mar shopping mall
780 parking places Plaça del Fòrum municipal parking underground lot - also long term parking
178 parking places Parking lot corner of Carrer de Josep Pla and Carrer Garcia Faria 184

parking near Parc Forum on the street Carrer de Taulat from Plaça Llevant (direction towards Sant Adria) and until the crossing of street Sant Ramon de Penyafort. There are also areas for bicycle, coaches and disabled vehicles

Attractions Parc del Forum:

Parc Forum public swimming area
Port Forum marina
Events at Parc Forum Barcelona

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Friday, 20 September 2024