History. It happened today in Barcelona on 5th February

It happened today in Barcelona

5th February

5th February 1919

On February 5, 1919, the La Canadenca power station in Poble-Sec in Barcelona initiated a strike advocating for the adoption of the eight-hour workday. Organized by the CNT union, the strike persisted for 44 days, swiftly spreading to 70% of Catalonia's industrial sector. The resounding success of this strike compelled authorities to implement the measure across the Spanish state, marking a historic milestone as the first instance of such legislation worldwide.

The company Canadenca was the leading coal powered electricity producer in Europe of the time. The power station was built in 1881 and called the 'Compañía Barcelonesa de Electricidad'. In 1911 Frederick Stark Pearson founded the Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company Ltd. in Toronto, which was later acquired by the Compañía Barcelonesa de Electricidad. That's how the power station in Barcelona came to be known as La Canadenca ('the Canadian') La Canadenca had three chimneys called "Las Xemeneies de La Canadenca." The power plant closed in 1989. The Three Chimneys were declared a historical-artistic protected monument by the city of Barcelona and are a symbol of Poble Sec industrial past.

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