What is the Spanish March - La Marca Hispánica

What is the Spanish March - La Marca Hispánica

The Spanish March was a military buffer zone established circa year 795 by the Frankish King Charlemagne in the Pyrenees mountains to protect the territories of the Christian Carolingian Empire including the Duchy of Gascony, the Duchy of Aquitaine, and Septimania from the Muslim Umayyad Emirate of Córdoba in al-Andalus. The Spanish March was defended by a group of lordships or counts under Frankish rule. The "Comtat de Barcelona" (County of Barcelona) was originally part of the Spanish March, but changes in the relationship with the Carolingian empire allowed Count Guifré el Pelós (Wilfred the Hairy) to pass his countships to his son instead of a new count being appointed by the Franks. So Count Wilfred the Hairy was the last count appointed by the Frankish king.

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