How much is taxi from Barcelona airport to cruise ship port?

How much is a taxi from airport to cruise ships cost in Barcelona?

Updated July 2024

How much does taxi cost from Barcelona airport to Barcelona cruise ship port and terminals on Moll Adossat pier? There is a flat fee price for a taxi journey from Barcelona cruise ship port terminal Moll Adossat to or from Barcelona Airport. This fixed rate is called  T-4 and the price is €45 euro (2024) and all extras/supplements are included. This is the offical Barcelona taxi final price from Barcelona Airport to cruise ship terminal Moll Adossat and other cruise ship terminals in Barcelona. We recommend that you also check with your driver before departing and that you check if he/she accepts payment by credit card.

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Last Updated on Thursday, 11 July 2024 16:02

Thursday, 19 September 2024