Pictures Castellers - human towers Barcelona

Barcelona castellers human towers

Guide Castellers in Barcelona and Catalunya

The tradition Catalan human towers dates back to the 18th century when the village of Valls near Barcelona started the castellers towers tradition

Human Towers Barcelona




Human tower "assaig" which is a public practice session at Gracia festival in August


Barcelona human castle building at Magic Fountain on New Year 2014

Amazing castellers display in swimming pool to open Barcelona World Swimming Championships in 2013

Castellers group Los Minyons de Terrassa make an amazing human tower on a peak on Montserrat mountain to mark their 35th anniversary.

Merce plaza jaume

Merce plaza jaume

Merce plaza jaume

Merce plaza jaume

Merce plaza jaume

Merce plaza jaume

Merce plaza jaume

Merce plaza jaume

Monument als castellers by Antoni Llena on Plaça de Sant Miquel in Gothic area of Barcelona


Castellers monument Tarrogona on Rambla Nova

Castellers statue Tarragona

Castellers Monument in Vilafranca del Penedès


Youtube video Castellers tower on mountain peak Montserrat

About human tower castellers

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Last Updated on Monday, 02 December 2019 20:46
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