Stepbac Barcelona, Spain. Stepbac - to feeling better. The Stepbac method was developed in Barcelona. What is the “Stepbac method? Stepbac is a new and effective method to change unhealthy lifestyle choices and take back control of one's health and well-being. Stepbac offers a new and simple way to quit smoking and to lose weight. Books, talks, seminars and retreats. Books currently published in the
Stepbac series are:
Stepbac from SmartphonesStepbac from SmokingStepbac from OvereatingThe Stepbac method helps people understand how they were 'tricked' by devious marketing and algorithms into adopting unhealthy lifestyles - and how lifestyle habits can be changed by making small, but significant changes.

The Stepbac method is a way for people to take a personal "step back" to a time in their lives when they had healthier lifestyles.
One might say that the Stepbac method is a a health and lifestyle "time-travel" voyage to reset back to the healthier version of themselves before bad habits began to impact their health and lives negatively.
The Stepbac method forms the basis for a series of books written in an easy-reader style with many illustrations.
Stepbac from Smoking'Stepbac from Smoking' explains the four main reasons that make people keep smoking - and then teaches a simple way to stop smoking.
Stepbac from Overeating
'Stepbac from Overeating' explains how why many people eat too much and gain weight. This book teaches a simple method to take back control of one's food shopping and eating habits and easily drop and maintain a natural weight.
Stepbac from Smartphones
Stepbac from Smartsphone explains how and why people become addicted to mobile phones and how to break the addition and control your phone use.
Stepbac books are available as Kindle e-books and in paperback on Amazon. Several new titles in the Stepbac book series are in the works.