IKEA Hospitalet - south of Barcelona Popular

Av. de la Gran Via 115, 08907, L´hospitalet de Llobregat
Nearest Metro
Ferrocarriles: Ildefons Cerdà or Gornal
+34 902400922
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IKEA Hospitalet -  south of Barcelona
IKEA Hospitalet on Gran Via street. Also called IKEA Gran Vía L'Hospitalet. 15 minutes by car south of Barcelona city centre on the way to Barcelona airport. IKEA offers modern Scandinavian style furniture and accessories. There are two other IKEA stores near Barcelona called IKEA Badalona north of Barcelona and IKEA Sabadell west of Barcelona.

Opening times IKEA Hospitalet
Monday to Saturdays: 10.00 - 22.00
Some Sundays & some public holidays: 10.00 - 22.00

How to get to Ikea Hospitalet (south of Barcelona)
From the centre of Barcelona the easiest way to get to an IKEA store is to take bus L95 from Plaza Catalunaya to IKEA Hospitalet. TheL95 bus stop is located a little way down street Ronda Universitat between Plaza Catalunya and the street Carrer de Balmes.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025