Tips and advice for tourists and travellers regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus

Tips, advice for tourists and travellers regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus

This pages is not longer being updated.

Covid-19 is over in Spain
On Tuesday, July 4 the Spanish government issued a decree that the Covid-19 epidemic is now over in Spain and consequently mandatory use of masks are not longer needed in health centers, hospitals, pharmacies and socio-sanitary centers.

Detailed health information, including information for travellers, is available on the websites of the WHO World Health Organization and the American CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
Please see our article with updated information about active cases of Covid-19 in Barcelona and Spain

Our personal COVID-19 tips for travellers and tourists:

  • Wash hands often and thoroughly in the same way medical staff do in hospitals. 
  • Carry anti-bacterial cleaning solution
  • Cough into your sleeve, not your hands.
  • Avoid touching your nose, eyes or mouth if you are in contact with people who show symptoms.
  • Wear a face mask if you have symptoms
  • If you have symptoms, self-isolate yourself and wear a mask. 
  • If you have symptoms call the emergency services (112 in Spain) for advice. Do not go to a health center where you risk infecting others on the way and at the center
  • Consider avoiding large groups of people if you are in a high risk area
  • Stay home if you have symptoms - even of regular influenza

Many of these general tips should be followed every winter to avoid spreading any kind of infection or influenza.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 July 2023 14:49
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